Sukarthi va tyajeth vidya Vidyarthi va thyajeth sukam Sukarthinaha kutho vidya Vidyarthinaha kutho sukam He who is seeking knowledge should give up comfort, He who is seeking comfort should give up learning knowledge, As the knowledge seeker can not get comfort and a comfort seeker can not learn knowledge.
Life as simple as it is...
Keep in mind that all Truth is beyond Religion. Religion is separating, whereas truth and spirituality is unifying.
You don't have to be Hindu in order to benefit from its Truth. We are all human; every other label we place on ourselves is limiting, and separating.
The greatest spiritual masters and Avatars that ever lived all taught the same things. Religion, background, and culture had nothing to do with their teachings.We are all one creation. There is only one infinite field of consciousness, and we are all part of this field.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Why to go to temples - email forward source
The lamp that is lit radiates the heat and light energy.
The fragrance from the flowers, the burning of camphor give out chemical energy.
The effect of all these energies is activated by the positive energy that comes out of the idol. This is in addition to the north/south pole magnetic energy that is absorbed by the copper plate and utensils that are kept in the Moolasthan.
The water used for the Pooja is mixed with Cardamom, Benzoine, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Clove, etc is the "Theertham". This water becomes more energized because it receieves the positive-ness of all these energies combined.
The water that is sprinkled onto the people passes on the energy to all. That is the reason why, men are not allowed to wear shirts to the temple and ladies have to wear more ornaments because it is through these jewels (metal) that positive energy is absorbed in ladies. It is proved that Theertham is a very good blood purifier, as it is highly energized.